

Example video Example Video

Setting Up Bitcoin Tips for Streamers Video (by Conor Okus)

This project demonstrates how to instantly receive a notification when you receive Bitcoin tips while streaming using Lightning Bolt-12 payment codes.

You do not need to sign up with any 3rd party services to receive tips and can get started even if you do not currently have any Bitcoin. This project uses a phoenixd Lightning server installed on the same machine you are streaming on to receive payments.

How does it work?

You display a Bolt-12 QR code on your stream. When someone watching your stream scans the QR code with a Lightning wallet on their mobile phone, you receive a Bitcoin payment to your computer. When payments are received your stream will briefly show an alert (animated gif), play a sound (mp3) and show the amount of the tip and a note from the sender (if any).




Setup Python

  1. Unzip the file to a directory of your choice.

  2. install Python modules

    python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
    python3 -m pip install qrcode asyncio esdk-obs-python websockets Pillow

Setup OBS Studio

  1. From OBS Studio go to tools -> scripts
  2. Go to the Python Settings tab and select your Python installation
  3. Go to the Scripts tab, select Add Scripts and select from the directory where you unzipped the file.
  4. Create and position the following scene items:
    • image called cat, display: hidden
    • text called received, display: hidden
    • image called bolt12qrcode, image: bolt12qrcode.png

Run phoenixd

  1. Go to the bin directory where you installed phoenixd
  2. run phoenixd.bat
  3. (first time) read and follow the installation instructions
  4. (first time) write down the 12 recovery words and keep them safe #### note the lno... bolt-12 static invoice output by the phoenixd server

Run the Script in OBS Studio

  1. From OBS Studio go to tools -> scripts
  2. Select the script.
  3. The first time you run the script:
    • Fill out the http-password-limited-access field from the value found in the phoenix.conf file in the .phoenix directory created by phoenixd.
    • Fill out the bolt12-offer field with the lno... bolt-12 static invoice output by the phoenixd server.
  4. Run (or refresh) the script
  5. Select show logs and make sure you see Connected! and no error messages



DONE! you can now start streaming and receiving Bitcoin tips.


How do I install Python so it works with OBS Studio?

See How to Configure OBS to Run Python Scripts

How can I send bolt-12 tips?

Install Phoenix Wallet on an Android or iOS phone, or see for a current list of other implementations.

How can I use my Bitcoin tips stored in phoenixd?

From the command line you can use the phoenixd-cli --help to see how you can send your funds to pay for goods from an online merchant or to your mobile Lightning wallet for in-person purchases.

How can I help improve this project?

You can ask questions or submit a pull request with your improvements or suggestions at